
Holy Child Home

We are in West Bengal. We started this project, "Holy Child Home" - the House of the Holy Child - with a small group of 6 young girls and now the number has increased.

In fact, at the moment we have 53 young girls, aged between 5 and 16 years old.

Unfortunately, all were subjected to slavery and sexual abuse in the environment in which they lived. Before coming to us, some worked as servants and many had to stop school.

Now these girls attend 4 different schools and have achieved very good school results. Here the Sisters take care of their material, psychological and moral well-being, offering them, in a family atmosphere, those cures that, by teaching them the correct ethical and moral values, inspire them to a dignified and human conduct of life.

We pay particular attention to the younger ones, who are the most vulnerable to abuse, also orientating them in different aspects, such as traumas derived from the denial of a proper education.

We motivate you to study, so that they can know their legal rights, which will then be able to protect them. This is the first institution born to protect girls from slavery and sexual abuse in West Bengal.

Thanks for your support and financial help. Sister Alisha of the Sisters of Charity.











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