
Benefit Concert

Dear friends, click on the photo to access the benefit concert.

Below you will find the thanks of Fr.Baptist of Puri




Our dearest Swami Nirvanananda, Respectful homage to you.

Please accept warmest greetings to you and to everyone present at the BENEFIT CONCERT from Beatrix School Family at Puri.

We are touched by your commitment for the education of the poor children at Beatrix School from the families of leprosy victims and other poor children from the margins of the Society.

We are indebted to you for generously supporting our Mission in spite of the terrible time of the pandemic you have been through.

I wish the EVENT every success and assure a daily prayerful thought to everyone joining the concert.

God Bless All. Omm Shanti.

Gratefully, Fr. Baptist D'Souza, svd

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